Timelessly dreamy and effortlessly smooth vocals are the phrases that come to mind when trying to describe Andria Rose's music. New to the music scene as of 2019, Rose has already made a splash with her melodic EP, Electric, and now, her newest single, "Tomorrow," featuring Quelle Rox.
Released on May 29, 2020, "Tomorrow" is a track straight out of heaven. Rose and Rox combine their musical talent to create a single that's lush and easy to listen to. The track is calming and hauntingly beautiful, with each artist contributing to the silky sound of the single. Calm Down Magazine sat down with Rose to talk about her new single, quarantine, and more. Check it out below!
Calm Down Magazine: Thank you for agreeing to this interview, Andria! If you could sum up your music style and releases so far in a few words, how would you do it? Your sound is so distinctive and truly lovely.
Andria Rose: Thank you so much for the kind words. My style is very dreamy and classy, I would say. I’ve been told my music is like a “breath of fresh air”, and I’m very fond of that description. I aim to put my listener in a daze.
CDM: What does making music mean to you? How did you get your career started and have the confidence to release Electric, your debut EP, not to mention tour with so many notable figures in the music world, including Kali Uchis!
AR: Making music, to me, means escape, for a listener and for a creator. Music is almost therapeutic. It has the ability to make you feel at ease and take you away from reality for a bit. At least, that’s what I want my music to do for people. Life is chaotic and can be scary, especially at the moment. I turn to music whenever I feel inward. I want to be there for somebody like my favorite artists are there for me. In regards to releasing my EP, that was definitely a process for sure. I had had the concept and the title ‘Electric’ since I was 16. I started writing songs for it then as well. But the only song that ended up making the cut was ‘Pretty Baby Heaven.’ I had tried working with different producers and friends on the production standpoint, but nothing ever quite worked out. I’m glad it took 4 whole years for it to finally see the light of day. I think I had to grow as a person and creatively in order for it to reach its full potential. I released it on my 20th birthday, and that was really symbolic for me. It was like I was stepping into a new chapter of my life. So I suppose working on my craft and myself as a person really helped me attain confidence in my work. And I am so grateful it’s been well received. It’s gotten me in the door with some amazing people, including the artists I’ve had the pleasure of opening up for. Landing those shows really helped my confidence as well.
CDM: How has quarantine and the pandemic in general impacted your music making? How are you finding inspiration at this time?
AR: Being in quarantine has inevitably left me a lot of free time. And as a result, a lot of time to write and create. I’ve luckily remained full of inspiration. Reading and watching different movies has helped fuel that. I just recently saw The Doors and Frida. Those two movies really left a mark on me and inspired me. Aesthetics are very important to me in regards to inspiration. Those movies are right up my alley. The storylines are incredible.
CDM: Congratulations on your new release "Tomorrow," ft. Quelle Rox! How would you classify the themes of this track? What was the most challenging aspect of making it?
AR: I just recently came across Quelle Rox’s music and I fell in love. We ended up getting in contact over social media and started talking about making a song together. I had this idea about a song emphasizing how we feel at this strange moment in time, with the pandemic going on. I started writing the song and came up with a demo and sent it to her. I wanted the song to be as raw and genuine as possible, so I just sang whatever came to me and told her to do
the same. The song is interesting in the way that you get two different perspectives. Things are a bit different in our areas. She lives in New York and I live in Texas. I want this song to be a means of reassurance to our listeners to know that they are not alone in the emotions they are feeling right now. People need to feel validated right now more than ever. I feel like my duty as an artist to provide that for people.
CDM: What do you hope listeners will get out of your new single? Your music in general? How do you hope to impact the world as an artist?
AR: I think going based off of what I said prior, I just want my audience to have the ability to escape and relate to my music. I hope to make music that makes someone feel better if they aren’t feeling so great. I hope people can create beautiful memories to my songs. If I can create art that has an impact on someone in some way or another, that’s enough for me. I think that’s what music is for- to connect us.
CDM: What are your future plans for releasing music? Any upcoming tours (post-pandemic of course) or projects you're working on?
AR: I’ve got a good amount of new tunes cooked up. I am planning for another release after this newest release is out. I’m really looking forward to people hearing my new material. I think it’s evolved so much from what I have out now. I’m working on another EP, so I’m hopeful for an end of summer release or somewhere around that time frame. I would love to do a tour once everything is back to normal. That was the plan for this summer, to tour. But things work out in mysterious ways. I’m just going to trust in the moment, and that everything happens the way they are meant to.
CDM: Thank you, Andria! You can stream her new single, "Tomorrow," ft. Quelle Rox, here.
Andria Rose: Instagram, Twitter: @andriaxrose
Facebook: andriarosemusic
Website: www.andriarosemusic.com
Quelle Rox: Instagram, Twitter, Facebook: @quellerox
